
Joined: September 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216570

Hello there stranger! My name is Joselyn. I am
your average teenage girl! I want what every teen girl wants,
does what every teen girl does. I do have those
negative thoughts constantly playing
in my head. I have cut, and tried to commit suicide before.
Let me tell you right now, you are beautiful.
No matter what anyone else says, you are gorgeous.
Show those people that always try and make you sad,
that you are too good for them. Show them you are strong enough to keep a smile
on your face even though you may be completely
destroyed inside. When people try to bring you down,
it only means you are on a higher level rather than them.
I know what it feels like to be hurt by someone
you really loved/cared about. I know. You aren't alone.
&& it gets better. I promise:)

okiamheresokissme's Favorite Quotes


Comment or fave and I will rate

you from 1-10

(and yes, i am a boy) 


How I look when I'm happy

How I look when I'm am to the point where I feel like breaking down on the floor, cry, and die. 

Ironic, isn't it?

And where can i download one?

Things I suck at:
                                                                            1. Being attractive.
                                                                            2. Being normal.
                                                                            3. Being likeable.
                                                                            4. Being social.
                                                                            5. Math





I'm just scared that one day you're going to wake up and be like
"I can do so much better than her"



                                 didn't need to take off her dress to get her prince charming

and neither do you.


If there was an award for laziness,
I'd probably send someone to pick it up for me.


You should have opened your eyes sooner.
I was crazy for you


Did anyone else notice that

Witty is

Format by twilightgirl995