
Joined: May 31, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 361755
Gender: F

✝ we are young ✝
yes, you are definitely worth it.
don't ever give up, & remember i'm here.
teenager | god | cheerleader | angie

takingchaances's Favorite Quotes

me: *sees Back to School advertisements*
me: *screams*

Nothing compares 

with the stomach ache 

you get from 

laughing with your 

best friends  



everyone has a family tree.
but i have a cactus, full of pr.cks.


what if it doesn't want to be called
"hot sauce" what if it wants to be called beautiful sauce?


a plus side to being my friend:
if you come over my house in your pajamas i won't judge because i will also be in my pajamas (and i always have chocolate)


Thank you, pad wrappers for being so loud,
Of course I want the entire world to know when I'm

On my period.

When I was seven, my dad died in a brutal car accident.

When I was ten, my favorite aunt died in a drug overdose.

When I was twelve, i got into a car accident.

When I was fifteen, my "best friend" told me I deserved to have my father die.

When I was sixteen, I myself, crashed my car into a pole.

When I was eighteen, my "significant other" cheated on me with four other girls.

When I was eighteen, my momther got deathly ill, lost her job, and insurace. She has been in and out of the hospital 60 times, and still counting. She still has to get at least one more surgery.

I went through four year of depression.

I can't help but see the greatness in my life that is about to come.

I have never been happier in my life, than I do right now.

instead of crying when i was born
i said swag 38 times in a row and the doctors all had their jaws dropped

Reasons why winter is better summer
--Little to no insects
--Sweaters all the time
--The air is nice and fresh smelling
--Sometimes it snows and you get out of school
--Snow is pretty
--No pollen
--It gets darker faster so there's more time to look at the stars
--Everything is dead, just the way I like it