
Joined: December 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 253982

Hi, I'm Paige. I live in Minnesota. Be jealous. Anywho; I love mismatched silver wear, and adorable  handmade quilts. I love secret rooms and the things they hold. I'm rather tall with lovely long blonde hair. I have long legs, prove amazing in my favorite sport, volleyball. I am constantly over thinking everything. Lying is what I hate most. I love brownies, and getting new socks. I love camping and reading. I really wish I was more unique. For the most part, I don't care what people think of me. I truly believe that confidence is beautiful. I love and care for my amazing best friends; Abby (wordsofagirl) and Sydney (enjoytheridee). Love, love, love, Paige.

Stay Beautiful.