School Quote #857663
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Quote #857663

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jumper_4_life 1 decade ago
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well i'd just like to say that
i went to the same middle school as what_if_i_still_love_him
and the middle school is MUCH MUCH worse than the high school
sure there's , alcohol and drugs and stuff in the high school too
but by then most people have learned it's better to say no and be smart
you don't always know that in middle school
middle school is where you make the mistakes of losing friends
it's where you get broken the worst by boyfriends cause you've never had that happen to you yet
in high school you've had experience and it's a heck of a lot easier then middle school
so maybe your high school is tougher
well ours isn't
so we'll be fine in high school
thank you very much
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xbrunette495x 1 decade ago
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I totally agreeeee! this quote is sooooo trueee.
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Singerxoxo 1 decade ago
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HAHAHAHAH i love all those girls down there that are saying this doesn'ttt happen in middle school.
you have NO idea how jealous i am of you.
middle school has most likely been the worst 3 years of my life. and the most changing.
and alcohol and parties and and is ALL that happens here.
i agree with this quote soo much.
i guess it just depends on where you live.
wow i sound like a creeeep.
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what_if_i_still_love_him 1 decade ago
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im sorry for those who i offended with this talking about my own personal experiences and you can talk about ur own..bash me if u really feel the need too i won't come after you
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xogrlygurl021ox 1 decade ago
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ugh middle school isnt that bad! i hate hearing all these middle school quotes. if you feel like this is bad what r u going to do in high school? im in it and its worse so get over itt
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SugarCoatedWhiteLies_xo 1 decade ago
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Kay, Im not even going to say "no offence" because I know this is going to offend you.
I'm also in middle school.
And truth be told, its not that different that elementary. Yes, I agree that things do change. But thats life sweety, nothing can be perfect.
Honestly I think that you ARE over reacting and quite frankly, just whining. Everybody goes through it, they just handle it better.
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xokim_ari4evaxo 1 decade ago
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OMG i think this qoute is sooo trueee!!! i lovee it soo muchh
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xXxTogglexXx 1 decade ago
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i really dont think if ur a middle schooler, thats going to happen. im in middle school. that doesnt happen. dont over react
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posted June 14, 2009 at 7:44pm UTC tagged with school

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