Conflict Quotes

Every war is a guano war.
Tempers flared?  It could have been worse - they could have been wide-leg.
It's time to quit thinking in terms of 'us' versus 'them,' and start thinking in terms of 'them' versus 'us.'

When s.hit gets difficult, I run as far away as possible. But if it’s too easy, I get bored and casually walk away. I ask myself if you are worth fighting for, the life we built, the memories we made. And I find myself bolting for the door, but carelessly strolling away. Difficult yet so easy. Running and walking. Confusion at its very best.


Personally, morally and emotionally, I sometimes feel I’m in complete turmoil.
I really don't know who I am. I still feel like I've got a hell of a lot to learn.

"A credible way to unearth the bona fide facts is to make both the partners in conflict to undergo the reliable lie-detection tests,
instead of making conclusion by seeing who supports whom & how many."

~Anuj Somany


"To live is to war with trolls."

Henrik Ibsen
Being without sleep for too long feels so strange because it`s as if this conflict is happening inside your body. It can`t decide if it wants to cave in under the weight of being awake or

blow up and float away.

-Original quote, all rights reserved 
your words are like a smack to the face
This is not an exaggeration, because I have been smacked several times and the feelings I had felt then are exactly the same as the feelings I have when you speak to me. You make my eyes water and my cheeks burn and, occasionally, I will get a ringing in my ears - the same ringing I had heard when you smacked me across the face four years ago. Your words give me backlash, and sometimes - if you are particularly harsh - I will be sporting bruises for weeks.

I remember your harsh words just like I remember the first time you smacked me. Just like I remember how I smacked you back.

Fights can end in bloodied bodies or bloodied souls
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