Crushing Quotes

soooooo i was home sick today. my crush texted me. HE TEXTED MEEEEEE! he asked if i was so happy!
cute islanders in Aruba

Oh. My. God. You actually acknowledged me today!!! I've had a crush on you since... Well, I dunno really. But I'm a freshman, and you're a sophomore and you acknowledged me today!!!! OHMAGAWWD! And you gave me a hug!!!!!! OMG!!! :O <3 . <3
Hey guys, I'm finally home. ❤ Well, my vacation went pretty well.. I got a surprise the first day I left, my auntie came back from Illinois :) &I made a really amazing new friend.. Well I knew him before but we iust started talking.. and I'm so gratefull for him :) He's so nice to me, and he understands how I'm feeling (about the whole break up thing) because him and his girlfriend just had a bad break up too.. I just may be crushing a little :p He's helped me so much, he makes me feel better & he's just wonders. ❤

Think about this.

You can change you're life at any moment.  You could go up and kiss that boy you've been crushing on forever.

You could make a youtube video and gain instant fame

You could go work out and get that summer body.

You could write a book about anything and become rich.

You can do anything you want.

There are so many oppurtunities, you just have to make them your own.
I'm pretty sure if anyone even remotely liked me and I found out about it I would probably ask them to marry me just out of elation at the thought of someone even contemplating being somewhat romantically involved with me.
you really dont get it do you? 
im completly, totaly, 100%, fully, truely  
in love with you
Liking a guy 

just because

you think he

likes you
i really dont think you understand how much you mean to me
I feel apart of the undead I move but do not feel myself moveing. I feel as tho I must fight to just get to the next day. I know there is some pain but it wont come out it wont let me breath im drounding it the worlds pain. And I cant breath as it drags me farther and farther into the farthest corners of my mind.
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