Best Itstoolate Quotes Today

Don't always say,
"There's still time."
Because there is also a concept of,
"It's too late." 
Always say what you want to say, Before it's too late

Once upon a time there was this girl who would cry herself to sleep every night, question her self worth, her value to the world. Everything she did was wrong, everything was her fault, nobody cared about her not even when she slowly began to fade. She hated not only the reflection in the mirror but every single inch of her body and soul. Her heart was heavy with pain, her smile was tried of being something its not, she doesn't know what to do anymore, she doesn't feel like shes worth the fight. if only I could go back and save this girl, but this girl is lost in an unhappy whirlwind of tears, pain and the constant hatred towards herself. And for this girl there is no happy ever after
The blood has been shed, The tears have been cried, You can't undo what you've done
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