Best Shell Quotes Ever

I think my shell is going to break soon. I can see the cracks forming. Some are too deep and big to fix, but some can be covered up. I need to work on my acting skills... People are starting to notice
back into my shell i crawl,
seriously regretting that i had even tried at all.

I'm shy at first
But once I'm comfortable
And get out of my shell
I'm one crazy girl
Things that run through my mind when my sister steals my cloths:

- Murder is illegal. 

- Although maybe i could get away with it.

- i could cut her up and bury the pieces throughout the world.

- i have always wanted to travel.

- my parents would never forgive me. 

-although they agreed with her....maybe i should kill them too, just for good measure.

- my brother is the only good one. 

- although then again, he might not forgive me for killing my parents.....

- screw it, ill just act irritated and moody for the rest of the day. 

Shloves hemomma's lemonade,
hates the sounds that goodbyes make
shswearthathere's no
difference between the lies and compliments
It's all the same if everybody leaves her
she's not good enough

Song: Beautiful Disaster
© format coded by: br0kenwings
Please don't remove this!

Ana, Mia and I
Bestfriends stuck like glue.
Ana's said she'll show me all the tricks
I just merely have to skip my
Lunch, dinner and breakfast
Mia said she'd me the ropes to just as far as skinny goes
Ana, Mia and I
Still stuck like glue
Skinnier I was
Their tricks were true
One secret I never did find 
Was that they were killing me alive
One day I looked in the mirror to see
How awful this disorder had made me
My bones, too well defined 
Showed that Ana and Mia had something to hide
But for me it was to late
If you ever meet Mia or Ana don't ever open the gate 
I would scream, but I'm just a hollow shell.

In a world where
everybody is over
exposed, the coolest
thing to do is 
maintain your mystery.


Deep inside, he knew who he was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny. But somehow, his personality always got lost somewhere between his heart and his mouth and he found himself saying the wrong thing, or more often, nothing at all.
I don't feel 
like a person.
I'm an empty shell
breathing in organic

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