Best Wallet Quotes Today

when you’re buying something and the cashier gives you change and people are waiting in line behind you and slowly moving forward and you’re trying to cram your change in your wallet and get out of the way as fast as you can that sh-t is horrifying and traumatic

It's not about your name. It's not about your wallet size.
It's not about your jean size. It's not about your
GPA. It's none of that; forget those things.
Find happiness. Find purpose.
Just live.

man just wantunziniall'pants
and grab hold of his big, huge, thick
wallet and pay for new clothes


My Brother comes home and pulls out of his pocket:

His phone
His keys
A tissue
His wallet
Five dollars in change
A bottle of Gatorade

I reached into my pockets and pulled out

A piece of lint
A dime

shopping for clothes would be a lot more fun if i had a thinner body and a fatter wallet.. c;
Finding 30$ in a wallet you don't even use...
Merry Christmas to me.
for me love can be found in a boys heart
                                                                       not in his wallet
Worst thing I did as a kid: Use my dads credit card for club penguin membership.

Do I regret it?: No 

Would I do it again?: Already looking for his wallet
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