
Joined: July 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 314361

_Smile_'s Favorite Quotes

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I was watching
Alvin & the Chipmunks 2
with my neighbor and
screamed as Alvin said


Like  if  you  know  who



Format by Sandrasaurus
"Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind."

Drake and Josh #5
Josh: I say things twice for emphasis. EMPHASIS!
follow me, I'll follow back @TVQuotes


When Finding Nemo 2 comes out, Toy Story 4, Monsters Inc 2.
8 year olds - " Oh my gosh. This is for babies."
Me- *Jumps up and down, screams, cries, "I GET MY CHILDHOOD BACK FOR ALMOST 2 HOURS!"

R.I.P. To My brother who died Monday fighting for this country, They say everything happens for a reason but it be nice to know why R.I.P. Love you forever & always Sergio Perez you were my #1, my hero, and the best brother ♥

Anybody remember the game ToonTown?
Y e a h   w e l l    I ' v e   b e e n    p l a y i n g    i t  a l l   a f t e r n o o n .


I know many of you wont care. but this is something that kills me.

I'm putting my cat down because I'm almost 1000% sure she has cancer. She can't walk, or meow. it sucks to look at her and know that she is suffering. To look at my cat and think I can't go on without her. She's mine. She has always been. Knowing that she is gone will eat me alive. I just want to know my witty family is there for me. I need you all to be there for me.

this quote was just a vent... also to see if anyone really cared...

rest.in.peace.cuddles. <3

You have to admit
you want to go see

Ice Age Continental Drift....