Alpaca Prophet *

Status: Eat. My. Shorts.
Joined: December 28, 2014
Last Seen: 5 years
Birthday: November 12
user id: 388793
Location: In a manic state of depression
Artist. Musician. Deviant. INFJ. Retro-punk.
Undecided Calvinist, Bifurious Clarke Kisser.
Basketcase. Tumblr Trash. Manic Depressive.
Problematic. Pretentious Asshat.

"Basically Someone You Shouldn't Be Friends With"
Music I Like:
Imogen Heap, Eisley, ALT-J, FUN, Twenty 
One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco, Taylor Swift, 
Front Porch Step, Charlie Puth, No Outlet,
Halsey, Owl City (since 2007), Never Shout
Never, My Chemical Romance (MCR), 

The Killers, Jarrod Alonge, Childish Gambino, 
Rich Mullins, Green Day (any early 2000's
Punk band), Parks, Troye Sivan, Say Anything,
Modern Baseball, Blink 182, Social Repose
YouTubers I Like:
MyHarto, NigaHiga, chestersee, PewDiePie,
The Game Theorists, ExplosmEntertainment, 
Lindsey Stirling, Full of Eyes, RoseEllenDix, 
Vlogbrothers, Cyarin, OnisionSpeaks, Paint,
Emmablackery, Zeldaxlove64 RIP, All the gays.
Things you Should Ask me:
My music Taste, My interests, Whether the
Earth we live in is one giant Capri Sun™ and
the Moon and Sun are the hole for the Straw, 

If you want to talk to me about struggles go
ahead but I can't garuntee I'll help at all.,
What the song on my profile means to me,
Why bisexual people have to present as Gay
instead of Bi due to biphobia.

Currently on a lifelong hiatus

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Alpaca Prophet *'s Favorite Quotes

1. Name: Sydney
2. Age: 17
3.Height: 5'4
4. Date of Birth: 3.1.1999
5. Eye Color: Blue-Grey
6. Religion: Lutheran
7. Sexuality: Straight

8. Hair Color: Brown
. Eye Color: Blue-Grey
10. Weight: 121 lbs
11. Skin Tone: Tanned
12. Piercings/Tattoos: Ears pierced
13. Jewelry: Necklaces

15. Funny or Serious? Both
16. Hard working or lazy? Depends
17. Flirty or reserved? Reserved
18. What is the first thing people notice about your personality? I'm anxious about everything
19. Are you more caring or sympathetic? I'd say both
20. Are you sporty, artistic, bookworm or sciency? Sciency

Have You Ever
21. Slapped someone in the face? Yes
22. Lost touch with a good friend? Yep
23. Kissed someone for a dare? Nope
24. Drank alcohol? Nope
25. Broke a bone? Yes
26. Got chickenpox? Nope
27. Ate a whole pizza to yourself? No
28. Stepped on a bug? Yep
29. Rode a horse? No
30. Been seen naked by someone not your doctor or family member? No
How Many
31. TVs are in your house? 5
32. People have you kissed? 2
33. Chairs are in the room you are in now? 2
34. Best friends do you have? 3
35. PCs or laptops are in your house? 4
This or That?
36. Summer or Winter? Summer
37. Strawberry or Banana? stawberries
38. Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift? Taylor Swift
39. Eminem or Kanye West? Kanye West
40. Vegetables or Fruits? vegetables
41. Books or Movies? Books
42. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses
43. Rock or Pop? Pop

Name The Last Person That...
44. Hugged you? Elise

45. Kissed you? Joe
46. Thanked you? Elise
47. Flirted with you? Joe
48. Insulted you? Abby
49. Made you laugh? Elise
50. Made you cry? Kaden
51. Ate? Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
52. Drank? Lemonade
53. Talked to? My mom
54. Word Spoke? Rosie (my dogs name)
55. Time cried? Two days ago
56. Time laughed? Last night with my friends
57. Best friend? Alexa
58. Crush? Keith
59. Boyfriend? Joseph
60. Pet? Betty my fish
61. Kiss? Isroil

I just stumbled upon this website after 4 years and this is something I filled out then. It is really interesting to see how you change and stay the same in some ways throughout high school.

Remember to flash the toilet

When love becomes
The one thing you can't trust
The stars start falling down
In silver trails of dust

The atmosphere above
Is a glimmer of what it was

The moon reflects the sun
Like a memory of us

When the sky fell down
It shattered on the ground.

"You both are made for each other."

"How do you know?"

"Because you guys don't look at each other with butterflies and happiness. You look at each other with reality but at the same time, there's a fairytale awaiting you."

~ E. Grin

They amputated
your thighs off my hips.
As far as I’m concerned
they are all surgeons. All of them.

They dismantled us
each from the other.
As far as I’m concerned
they are all engineers. All of them.
A pity. We were such a good
and loving invention.
An airplane made from a man and wife.
Wings and everything.
We hovered a little above the earth.
We even flew a little.
And she wanted for a moment to hold and devour him, wanted his mouth, his ears, his coat collar, wanted to surround him and engulf him.
Excreción--> Eliminación de sustancias de desecho procedentes de la actividad de las células
   -Del CO2: se obtiene como desecho de la respiración celular expulsada al medio externo a través de los pulmones. Proceso: La sangre llega a los pulomones con CO2, como hay más concentración en una parte de la pared de los álveolos se produce la difusión desde una pared a otra, así expulsando el CO2 al medio externo mediante los pulmones(contiene más Co2 el aire que espiramos que el que inspiramos).

  -Desechos sólidos disueltos en agua: Se expulsan sustancias disueltos en agua que forman parte de la orina o el sudor. Orina: líquido amarillento, transaparente (u opaco si es concentrado).Aprox el 95% es agua y 5% son sustancias disueltas en ella. Estas sustancias se puden encontrar en la sangre en diferente proporción como la UREA que es un compuesto tóxico producido por la descomposición de las proteínas (expulsa orina). Sudor: Más diluido,99% agua.

Sistema Urinario

-funciones: fabricar, almacenar y expulsar al exterior la orina
dos órganos (habichuelas) situados a ambos lados de la zona lumbar de la columna vertebral.
                 -Médula/masa central
                 -Vasos Sanguíneos(arteria-vena renal).

       *URÉTERES: dos finos tubos que recogen la orina fabricada en los riñones  llevándola a la vejiga. El inicio llamado pelvis renal tiene forma de embudo.
       *VEJIGA : Acumula la orina(llega de manera continua de los uréteres)Extensible. Contiene 250cm3 de orina se siente necesidad d orinar.
       *URETRA: Conducto que expulsa la orina al medio exterior.

NEFRONA: Unidad estructural donde se filtra la sangre para regular el agua y sust solubles, reabsorbiendo lo necesario y excretando el resto.

          -Cápsula: hueca rodea un ovillo de capilares sanguíneos.
          -Tubo fino: forma asa que desembocan en tubos gruesos recogiendo la orina.

Dreams don’t die
They evaporate
Turn into dust
And fill our lungs
Till we suffocate

Dust to Dust

Hey there, Mr. Tin Man
You don't know how lucky you are
You shouldn't spend your whole life wishing
For something bound to fall apart

Every time you're feeling empty
Better thank your lucky stars
If you ever felt one breaking
You'd never want a heart
                                                                           format by irrestible. do not steal.
You've got your arms wide
And sin in your eyes
I'm a thief I'm a coward
I'm a fool, it hurts
Thinking this was real
When I lose when I fall, clutching out to her
Everything I feel
You've got my hands tied
Innocent sacrifice
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