
Joined: January 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 145108

Blingify.com - Love Hearts Backgrounds
hey guys,  im briona.  i live in this sucky little town on the east coast of north carolina, but i'm a Buckeye at heart♥ i'm a sophomore this yearr, and i lovee to paint and dance. The movie The Blind Side inspires me, and iwrotethisforyou is my best friend. i am currently single, but my heart's taken by an amazing guy named brandon. ♥ music is my life, and mountain dew & baseball are the best. i love everyone, trust no one, and am nice to anyone, unless i have reason not to be. i have a zero tolerance level for bullshit, and am really big on revenge.
my past holds a lot of scars, dark secrets, lost loves, and broken promises, but it is what it is and sometimes you just have to deal with it.
I love to talk and meet new people, so talk to me, follow me, get to know me... (: