
Joined: April 22, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 294229
Location: Pluto
Gender: F
Hi, my name's Lily and I'm very outgoing, energetic,

friendly, and just love to laugh. :D 

I've been playing
basketball, softball, and fall soccer

year round ever since I can remember, and

my favorite thing to do in my free time is doodle, read,

and hang with friends.

LOVE the Hunger Games, Lightning Theif, and Harry

 series and am a huge fan of the Boston Red Sox.


lipudlo17's Favorite Quotes

I wonder how people describe me when they’re talking about me to someone who’s never met me

Me when I have a zit:
Conceal don't feel
Don't let them know. . .


Some guy just whistled at me while driving by and my dad goes “don’t worry, that was for me”

Shortest horror story: "Dude. Where did the spider go?"
when my family  went to disney world we went on the haunted mansion ride and this actor dressed as a skeleton came up to our cart and got right in my three year old brothers face and whispered “are you scared?” and my brother kissed him on the nose and the guy laughed so hard he had to leave

"Dear future daughter:

1. When you're at some party, chain smoking on the roof
with some strange girl with blue hair and exorbitant large
dark eyes, ask her about her day. I promise you, you won't 
regret it. Often times you'll fine the strangest of people have
the most captivating of stories to tell.

2. Please, never mistake desire for love. Love will engulf your
soul, whilst desire will emerge as acid, slowly making it's way
through your veins, gradually burning you from the inside

3. No one is going to save you, anything you've ever read
or heard otherwise is bullsh/t.

4. One day a boy is going to come along who's touch feels
like fire and who's words tase like vanilla, when he leaves
you, you will want to die. If you know anything at all, know
that it is only temporary.

5. Your mental health comes before school baby, always. If 
its midnight, and you have an exam the next day but your 
hands have been shaking for the past hour and a half and
you're not so sure you want to be alive anymore, pull out that
carton of Ben and Jerry's and afterwords, go the f/ck to bed. 
So what if you get a 68% on the exam the next day? You took
care of yourself and at the end of the day that will always
come before a high test score. To hell with anyone who tells
you differently."

Things I DO NOT want:

• Another pretty face
• Just anyone to hold
• My love to go to waste

Things I DO want:
• You
• Your beautiful soul

do you ever have a thought that's so
fcking inappropriate that you feel like dumping a bucket on yourself like. calm down, self. tone it down. think about jesus


Teacher: Where is your homework?

Me: I lost it fighting some kid who said you weren't the best teacher in school.

Is it the weekend?
Yes                     No
   l                         l
   l              Is it a monday?
   l               Yes              No
   l                  l                  l
   l                  l         Are you trying to impress someone?
   l                  l          No                                         Yes
   l                  l            l                                             l
   l                  l            l                                  Is it the love of your life?  
   l                  l            l                                         No                  Yes
   l                  l            l                                           l                       l
   l                  l            l                                           l                  Really?
   l                  l            l                                           l               No       Yes
   l                  l            l                                           l                 l            l
   l                  l            l                                           l                 l    Then they will love
   l                  l            l                                           l                 l    you for who you are
   l                  l            l                                           l                 l             l
Wear Sweatpants
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