
Status: don't bother
Joined: April 8, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 356184
Gender: F

serenefrenzy's Favorite Quotes

love has no age limit.
it's not like alcohol or something.
i mean, when i was 3, i loved my teddy bear.

 the only difference now is that my teddy bear
is 6 feet tall with brown hair and brown eyes,

          he can walk and talk, and i think
                         he loves me back.

You got designer shades, just to hide your face
and you wear them around like you're cooler than me, but reality check bìtch no one's cooler than me.


Exit the womb they said.

 Life will be great they said.

Format chickittylover

Those songs
that give you tons of memories,
and make you

wasn't wearing 


My hair was down, but it wasn't straightened;
I was too tired to deal with the curly, frizzy mess.
We stopped at a gas station, where 2 guys told me I was beautiful.
No one ever tells me that. even when I try to look presentable.
The crazy thing?
When I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror,
I actually believed them 

i think my cat is allergic to cats
                                                      Me: that sounds pretty CATASTROPHIC
                                                      Friend: i hope you get arrested for that

Kanye West is the Kanye Best.

Better than the Kanye Rest.

This is no Kanye Jest.

We are all Kanye Blessed.

I'm screaming at my phone but you still aren't stopping.

Why is this even happening?

You cannot stop my Kanye Quest.

 Follow me. :) 

*Me if I ever become famous*
Interviewer: So, what was your childhood like?
Me: It's very vague in my memory.
Me: All I remember is signing up for a quote website.
Me: I believe it was called Kitty Profiles, or Witty Cats.
Me: Or Witty Profiles. Yes, I think that was it.
Interviewer: Yes?
Me: It was fun at first, but after a couple of months it took over my life.
Me: I'm still going to therapy for it.
Me: Very tragic.
Interviewer: ...inspiring
I have a habit of falling
in love with strangers
whom I see at 
the train station;
and characters in the
books that make
my heart ache.
