
Joined: October 4, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 372705
Gender: M

                                                                                                  lol, this is a waste site.

tarzan's Favorite Quotes

Once in high school my friend kicked her leg up and her shoe flew off and smashed into the ceiling with this huge BANG and the teacher whirled around and yelled WHO DID THAT?” and my friend just stared at her as the ceiling tile fell and shattered on the floor between them and the shoe thumped down on top of it and my friend just went that’s not my shoe” while standing there with one shoe on

            i've been missing you so bad and you
                                    >>                                don't seem to care


"Your lips are like wine
& I want to get drunk. "
wittyxxgirlxx format do not remove
She was Hannah Montana when 
Bush was president

Thanks Obama.

The only thing that's worse than stepping 
on a lego

is attempting to drink from a cup while lying down
I'm the type of person who:
Can be hurt a million times by a person
But would still be worried about them constantly
And would be more than willing to make ammends.

Catch a shooting star,
put it in your pocket;

Save it for a rainy day


when you type the name of my school into google images the first result is my german teacher riding a tricycle i’ve never laughed so hard in my LIFE i’m gonna need a ventilator


When you meet an old friend and promise to hang out soon, it never happens.

Knock Knock.
Who's there?

Jewish who?

Don't Jewish that Hi.tler was hot like me