
Joined: January 19, 2009
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 64287
Well hello there world!
My name's Elizabeth.  Yeah I got problems, but they're not too big.  I'm sixteen and feeling on top of the world, (most of the time at least).  My best friends are those crazy, amazing,beautiful inside & out kind of people.  My heart was stolen by a silly boy named Jon and he's kept it for eleven months.  Awww how sweet, right?  I'm just like any girl; I love chocolate, hugs, stuffed animals, and flowers.  I hate drama, stereotypes, and dogmindedness.  Lately, I've been in total adoration of weddings for some reason.  Music is one of my passions and I'm constantly finding new artists to listen to and enjoy.  Check out my profile and I'll keep you updated on what I'm listening to!  I've also started a Tumblr, which I'm addicted to.  It would be www.dearlybeloved-.tumblr.com  Check it out if you wanna!    However, if you actually know me in real life, then I just ask that you try to refrain from talking to me about it.   I'd rather keep thinking that none of you know about it so that I can post whatever I feel like without feeling like I'm going to be judged.