Quotes added on Monday, June 23 2014


Put up

Shut up



im getting married & i no longer self harm
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 Any takers?

To My Loving Father,
Sometimes, I just wish that I could see you one more time. I know that it has been over two years, almost three, but i still miss you all the time.you helped me to become who i cam today. you helped me to understand that i am not perfect, but i am still pretty freaking amazing. you kept my dreams alive, even when i felt dead. you accepted me when i told you i was bisexual. you accepted me when i told you about my first girlfriend, and held me when it ended. you accepted my first boyfriend. and the second, and the third. you let me cry on your shoulder and bought me ice cream at the end of those. i just wish you could see me now.then, you could fix me. glue all the broken pieces togeher, and find the pieces that have been lost. and make everything better again.
This quote does not exist.
I don't want to go to sleep feeling not happy.
i am literally bored to death right now.
1. Do you sleep in your bra? Nope
2. Do you like noodles? Yes
3. Do you enjoy drama? Not really
4. Are you a girly girl? Yes in someways
5. Small or large purses? depends
6. Favorite color? pink
7. Are you short? si...
8. Do you like somebody? not really
9. Do you care if your socks are dirty? no
10. Do you like Halloween? yup
11. Favorite time of the year? Summer
12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? brokendown couch
13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? No
14. Is there any type of rumour going around about you? nah
15. Do you call anybody by their last name? not usually
16. How many guys will read this just because it says-Girl Confessions? All the boys

1. What color is the bra that you're wearing?
2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Both
3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy? nope
4. Do you have a best friend? a couple :)
5. Have you ever had your heart broken? yes
6. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? Nope
7. Do you like your life? i guess
8. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? nope
9. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? girls
10. How long have you had a Facebook?
2 years
11. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? not really
12. What are your biggest fears? cars
13. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? ofc
14. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? yes
15. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater"? I dunno
16. Have you ever had a good feeling about something? sure
17. Do you ever wish you were famous? sometimes
18. Are you currently missing someone? yes
19. Who are you texting right now? no one.

1. Eyeliner or Mascara? mascara
2. Pink or black? pink
3. Pumps or flats? flats
4. Skirts or pants? pants
5. Socks or leggings? BOTH
6. Hoodies or jackets? hoodies
7. Heels or sneakers? sneakers
8. Straight or curly hair? both
9. White or black? doesn't matter?
10. Smoothies or lattes? smoothies
11. Diet or regular sodas? Coke Zero
12. Water or daiquiris? daiquiris are freaking delish
13. Pearls or diamonds? diamonds
14. Justin Bieber or One Direction?

One Direction
15. I Pod or cell phone? iPod
16. Friends or family? both
17. Lip gloss or lip stick? lipgloss
18. Manicure or pedicures? manicures
19. Tank tops or bathers? tank tops
20. Big sunglasses or small ? Snorkelfin Bogwater?
21. Sunglasses or purses? sunglasses

1. Funny or Serious? funny
2. Romantic or Daredevil? romantic
3. Dark Eyes or Light Eyes? dark
4. Long Hair or Short Hair? longish
5. Curly Hair or Straight Hair? i don't care.
This quote does not exist.

if you have 35+.. you're spoiled

[] own car
[x] cell phone
[] HAVE bf/gf (OWN?)
[] own bathroom
[x] own room
[] 2 or more story house
[x] built-in pool
[]guest house
[] game room
[] tv in your room
[?] Double Bed
[] more than 20 pairs of shoes
[] 10+ things from a designer store
[] good grades
[] Dior sunglasses
[] louis vuitton purse
[x] iPod
[x] XBOX
[] PS2
[x] mp3 player

Total so far: 6

[ ] Mercedes Benz
[ ]BMW
[x] basketball hoop
[ x] air hockey table
[x] pool table
[ ] ping pong table
[] trampoline
[ ] live ON a lake or pond
[ ] own a pair of skiis
[] own a snowboard
[ ] has a boat
[ ] has a jet ski
[/ ] has a beach house/ cabin (used to)

Total so far: 3.5

[] only child
[] stereo system in bedroom(I Have one in the living room)
[] DVD player in bedroom
[] 100+ dvd's
[]gets $50+ for allowance each month
[x] goes shopping every month 
[] shops at abercrombie
[ ] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
[ x] makeup
[x] cologne/perfume
[] AIM
[] MSN
[]5+ trophies (medals)
[ ]own digital camera
[]walk-in closet

Total so far: 3

[ ] electric scooter
[ ] dirt bike
[] 4X4 truck
[ x] guitar/drums
[ ] hammock
[ ] been on a cruise
[X] traveled out of the country
[x ] weight set/ workout set in house 
[ ] personal fit trainer
[x] expensive jewerly
[x] met a celeb
[x] straightener/ curling iron
[x] gets hair done/nails/spas
[ ] on/was on a Varsity team for the school
[ ] own batting cage
[] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
[x] own savings account
[x]1+ BEST friends
[ ] been to the carribean
[ X] been to europe (Ireland♥)
[ ] been to hawaii
[] been to NY

Total so far: 10

[ ] shopped in seattle
[ ] eaten at the space needle in seattle
[ ] been on the eiffel tower in paris
[] been on the statue of liberty in NY
[x] been on the honor roll for 2+ years
[] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday
[] lives on a private property
[ ] license
[] moved 3+ times
[ ]sports car
[ ] hot tub
[x ] pet(s)
[ ] ranch
[ ] verizon
[ ] cingular
[ ]Sprint
[x] virgin mobile / other
[] been to 5+ states in the US

Total so far: 3

[ ] 100+ buddies on messenger
[x] alarm clock
[x] home-cooked meal almost everyday
[] eat-out almost everyday
[] been in a limo
[] own camcorder
[x] own laptop
[x] own desktop

Total so far: 4

Overall total: 32.5

You spoiled?
[x] yes
[] no

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