Best Drifting Quotes This Week

Look at us, we're drifting.
our conversations are starting to get shorter.
it’s harder to find something for us to talk about.
it doesn’t even feel like it’s affecting you.
at least tell me if you don’t want to talk any more instead of making me feel like i did something wrong
i just miss how we were before.

i feel like we're
slowly drifting
a p  a   r    t

format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl

My sanity is slowly drifting away.

  I feel like I'm drifting away from everyone.
 My family.
My friends.
And just the world in general.
And it does not feel good.



You meet someone.
You two get close.
It's all great for a while.
Then someone stops trying.
Talk less. Awkward conversations.
The drifting.
No communication whatsoever.
Memories start to fade.
Then that person you know,
Becomes that person you KNEW.
That's how it usually goes, right?
Sad isn't it.

That sad moment when you can feel you and your best friend slowly drifting apart.

                   Perhaps you noticed that we’re drifting,
                             I guess you don’t care.

Once two people begin to drift apart, love can be as cold and unrelenting as an ocean. You can expend every ounce of your strength trying to swim back to each other, but sometimes, the pull of the current is just too strong.

                                                           —Beau Taplin

we're not
even best
we're more
like strangers
with memories.. </3

He loves you?

Are you sure? I see you in the halls with him all the time. You try and hold his hand but he puts it right back into his pocket. Are you certain that he still has the same feelings for you that he did when you first started dating? He doesn't even hold your hand. You hold onto his arm and when he says 'goodbye' he doesn't kiss you the way he used to. Doesn't that give you a feeling that maybe he's found someone else? Does he still love you? Then you see me and my boyfriend holding hands and being cute together. How does that make you feel? Thats the relationship you USED to have. Now you guys are slowly drifting apart but you don't realize it. One day out of no where, he's going to be done with you and you're going to be broken. Then you'll decide to crawl back to your friends that you've ditched. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't talk to you again.

He loves you?
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