Best Moods Quotes Today

I have two moods:

1.) everybody get the f.uck away from me
2.) someone come over and cuddle and watch movies with me

There is no in between

                 If it's so normal and well-intended, why don't men tell other men 
      To smILe?

Today is just
one of those days.

I'm in one of those moods. You know the one. The one where I keep talking like a sappy chic flick, where I crave your love. Your arms around me, and your hands on my stomach. You cheek next to mine, and your lips. The one where I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heart, or slow dance for no reason with no music. Where all my fantasies are old school and cute, like a black and white movie full of smiles and holding hands. The one where I wish it were a fairytale, you're a prince and I'm a princess. I wish we could run around barefoot in the summer heat, a sprinkler spraying freezing cold water sending me straight to your body for protection. The one where all I need is to jump into your arms, my legs around your waist, your arms supporting me, and kiss you in the pouring rain. The one where I want to fall asleep next to you, or play video games all night long. The one where all I need is to feel your love. The one where I daydream about you pushing hair from my face, or teasing me gently. Softly kissing my cheek and making me blush in public. Yeah, I'm in one of those moods. 

     some days i'm van gogh's starry night; other days i'm his

  suIcIDe LeTTer

String me up
with silver and gold.
Wrap me with lights
to break my bones. 
Tell me I look lovely 
when I'm dying. 
Kiss me through my tears,
pretend you can't hear me crying. 
-c.b.l. // bleeding is how I remember you best

format by destabilise 


Best friends are the people
who can tell what mood you're 
in just by the way you're typing.

Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
I feel myself sinking down deeper each and everyday,
But i'd hate to make everyone sad so i'll just say "I'm okay".
this is how i text when im in a good/decent mood
This is how I text when I'm upset/sad.
but if i evr text lik this u better watch the he// out
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