Best Swaggie Quotes Today

I'm a disaster,
I'm a wreck,
I'm hopeless,
I'm broken,
I'm difficult,
I'm a mess.

I'm trying.

My mom: What do you want for dinner?
Me: Swag with a side of swaggie.

Hey, I have an idea.
Instead of using Witty to complain about your life - because, let's face it, no one on here cares about anyone else's problems; we're all too self-absorbed to even worry in the slightest -, why don't you just buy a journal?
Or, instead of trying to get "faves" and sympathy from other people over the fact that you're "suicidal," why don't you get real help? After all, what's 1,000 faves going to help if you really do want to harm yourself in any way?
It all come down to the fact that if you're really thinking about hurting yourself, or you just need to vent about life's frustrations, you need to seek help in the real world, not suck attention and pity from people who do not give a d amn on the Internet.
Your quotes about "depression" and such were blocked for a reason. This website wasn't made so a bunch of twelve-year-old girls could whine and complain about how they want to cut themselves over some boy wouldn't give them the time of day.  I understand the fact that people, people on here even, struggle with depression and thoughts and/or actions of self-mutilation, but Witty Profiles is not the place to talk about it.

**also, if you're going to leave a stupid comment about how much you disagree with this or how you struggle with any problem listed above and you think i'm an awful person, don't.
if you think i actually care, you're wrong


 I had a dream that I killed all the shirtless guys with 'swag' and their duckface girlfriends, too.
 It was the Yolocaust

I hate when I'm walking in the hallway and someone is walking right in front of me but they're coming towards me and instead of moving so we can both walk, they stand and wait for me to walk.
Me on the last day of school: FUHK YOU,AND YOU ,YOU'RE COOL.., AND YOU. I'M OUT
When I laugh it sound like I'm crying

 I always have the feeling that I'm losing something.
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