
Joined: February 14, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 274065
heey , im marissa im the type that loves playing bsports  and loves to hangout with my friends( : buut i am very shyy so once you get to no me i do some crazy shitt.<3

marissaa2012's Favorite Quotes

B**** Please, replace your lipgloss with glue and shut the f*** up!(:
Parents:Who are you texting?
Parents:Who are you calling?
Parents:Who are you chatting with?
Me:Jake from State Farm.
I only trust people who like big butts.

Because they can not lie.

Going on a field trip
and realising the bus journey was the best part

There is "hell" in hello, "good" in goodbye, "lie" in believe, "over" in lover, "end" in friend, "ex" in next, and "if" in life.

Running through a spider web and

suddenly turning into a ninja

Rihanna on the radio: We found love in a hopeless place.

Me in the shower: We found dove in a soapless place. 



Who else really wants
                                        A pear phone from victorious?              

The Convo's With Him That You Want To Last Forever...