Vent Quote #4756871
all quotes · vent ·

Society is evil; it sufficates you and chokes you, until you

Society is evil; it sufficates you and chokes you, until you give in to the pressure. You don't have a say in when it happens either; you just stumble into the fire, but we all know how it ends. You end up scarred, and burned, and broken. You lose all confidence and hope because of the insults. You're never good enough; not for him, not for me, not for your friends, the world, your family.. youserlf. No, you're never good enough for yourself in this messed up world. Instead, you live in constant denial with yourself.. telling yourself that it gets better, but you know it wont. Because society is everywhere. Society is found in everything, everyone. It hides in plain sight, but everyone can see it, everyone can feel it's pain. Society doesn't care about your pain, though. Society thrives off of your pain. Society only survives when you are hurting, when you are crumbling, when you are losing the battle that you created against yourself. The battle that everyone loses, no matter how hard they try.  

1 Comment

xolivelaghlveox 1 decade ago
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sarah, i'm in an emotional mood, and this is SO true that it made me cry.
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posted December 29, 2011 at 8:06pm UTC tagged with vent

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