Vent Quote #6034337
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'Judgemental @sshole. Seriously.I'm 'sorry' but you're probably

'Judgemental @sshole.
Seriously.I'm 'sorry' but you're probably another JesusFreak.Where's your proof 'God' exists. That sounds irrelivant, but when you say 'because it's in the bible, ir's wrong' I find it wrong you're being brainwashed to believe a bunch of bullstuff.'

Ok, this above is the exact comment i recieved on a quote. This quote expressed my opinion about gay marriage and homosexuality, and how it goes against my religion (if you want to see it, the link is below).

But honestly? Why would you ever say that to someone? I won't name names. But i was trying to be kind and tolerant while still backing up my opinion, and this is what i get for it?

God has saved me and helped me through a lot of tough things in my life.. I have faith in him. I believe in him. Do who are you to criticize? I might not be alive right now... I was suicidical a while back, and God gave me the strenght to live another day.

I said i would not delete any comments, and i still won't, but i just wanted to say how disgusted i was by that comment.

How dare you tell me what to believe, or that what i believe in is not real?

I think that you, my dear, are the 'judgemental @sshole' in this situation.



LoveIsEverlasting 1 decade ago
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proud Jesus freak :)
im sorry about some people on here are VERY judgemental..
it sucks but its something we all have to deal with
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Nobody has the right to judge someone on their religion it's not okay and if someone did that to me I would get so upset and if they believe in god but accept gays them who cares leave them alone I'm sick of seeing this crap thru have no absolutely no right to judge
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lyr_ 1 decade ago
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What was the point of putting your opinion up on witty profiles in the first place? You obviously knew you were going to get hate, you said you knew that we would be disgusted by you. But most importantly, why do you care if someone is gay or not. You say its unnatural because the bible said so, but how the hell does it effect you if two people are in love. You don't have to watch them. You don't even have to talk to them. You just have to keep on living your life, nothing would change for you. The only difference is that two people are HAPPY. When you deny thousands and thousands of people's happiness you are the judgmental @sshole.
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moniqueasaurus 1 decade ago
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It's funny how so many people on here say we shouldn't be so judgmental about other people, but look at what you're doing. I don't see how his quote was "cruel". All he said was he doesn't agree with gay marriage, and he put in the Bible verse. He said he has absolutely nothing against homosexuals, but he just doesn't agree with gay marriage. I swear, you guys all say we need to stop being judgmental and respect everyone's opinions, but you're just contradicting what you're saying. Stop hating on him, please. I'm pretty sure the comments that all the haters have been saying to him have hurt him.
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theWalrus 1 decade ago
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What you don't understand is that while you have the right to state your opinion, so does everyone else here and they have just as much right as anything to respond to yours. If you don't want an argument, don't bring up such a controversial topic on the internet anyways. I accept your views on the topic, but you have to accept other people's views as well. People have different religions, so what? She could've been nicer about it, but there's a reason why this is causing so much drama. Step back for a second.
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caralovesyou 1 decade ago
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ok, so im not going to bash you for this so please read it because i respect your opinion so i would hope you would respect mine. first off i am a christian i believe in God. But i completely 100% accept gay people. my brother is a homosexual so when i saw your quote i started crying. he has struggled alot in his life to be accepted and to see someone else who doesn't accept him or his "type" hurts. but like i said i respect your opinion. but i dont think witty was the right place to share your opinion on this topic. im just saying like i love to see all the funny quotes so when i saw this i was extremely upset. but this my opinion. witty just isnt the right place for opinion quotes.....because so many people argue and it causes drama...but im not mad i just hope you take this into consideration because many people on here are bi or gay or lesbian and are extremely offended or hurt and i know if my brother saw that he would be too so please just think of others too (:
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ZombieSlayer 1 decade ago
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So, how do you like it when someone criticizes your religion? You don't right? How do you think gay people feel when you do the same to them? How would you like it if someone told you your religion was wrong and unnatural? How would you like it if you couldn't marry someone you loev?
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ILoveCD 1 decade ago
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I do not necessarily agree to what you said..but that's okay, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion/religion. I do also respect you for posting that quote..I'm sure you've got a lot o hate. I think gays are great but you're free to think what you want:)
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InsertAliasHere 1 decade ago
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just stop with the gay sh/t dude. You're really p/ssing me off
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briiitttttttany 1 decade ago
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they didn't tell you what to believe. they simply stated their opinion like you stated yours.
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PsYoureBeautiful 1 decade ago
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Hun, look... I respect that you believe that. I understand that that's what the bible says, but you have to take into consideration OTHER religions. Witty isn't a place to start and argument whether gay marriage is good or not. Because obviously, there are gonna be supporters and haters. But witty is a place for funny quotes, or vents on boys and friends. Keep the religous stuff off here or your gonna get more of that crap ^ and I don't want that for you. Lovess <3
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kiwi* 1 decade ago
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I respect your opinion, but I am not against anyone whose sexuality is different than straight. Witty is a place where people can vent, share their opinions, give advice, make awesome quotes (beautiful fonts or not), and be there for each other, making friends here.
You spoke your opinion, but the hater spoke their opinion in response.
Yes, it was rude, harsh, mean, etc. but, it's their opinion to. Nice or not, you have to respect it.
No matter if someone is being mean to you for your opinion or being nice, that's their opinion too, so don't blow out on them like they blew out on you for your opinion.
No, I am not saying that what the hater said was wrong, nor am I with that person, but as I have said before, it is there opinion and you need to respect that.
Making a post about religion and homosexuality on Witty at the moment, you should've expected all the hate. Meaning, you should of respected the hate, the opinions, the mean people, and the unfair people. Not make some quote about all these haters and judging them for their opinion and perspective on yours. Judging should not be done, whether it's about an opinion and you get hate back or not. You posted your opinion, and the hater posted theirs. Now, you're judging the hater for their opinion when you obliviously posted for people not to judge your own opinion.
I am not on anybody's side, but fighting and judging over everyone's opinions and feedback is just ridiculous.
Let's just get along, shall we?
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xele91097x 1 decade ago
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I seem to be the only one who agreed with your view on gay marriage.
And whoever said that... no. I'm Christian and I have faith in God and the thing that me off the most is when people get all high and mighty and attempt to prove my beliefs wrong. I can't believe what witty has come too. I don't come on here to experience things like this, at all. This person is a f'ucking disgrace.

and iwontgiveup: What the f'uck? We literally JUST went over how offensive and rude it is to insult Christianity. Did your parents teach you manners? I feel sorry for people like you. Learn some respect, you're only coming off as a piece of human garbage. People like you are only good at taking up space in this world.
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iwontgiveup 1 decade ago
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Biblethumper. Just leave Witty.
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Nicklebee 1 decade ago
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I really hate some people on witty. They're beyond rude. So people think we came from this "ape like creature" where did that come from? A big bang? So this so called "big bang" just suddenly happened and EVERYTHING turned out *just* perfect. What is anything? SOMETHING had to start it, it just didn't "magically" happen from a random explosion.
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NourxxLove 1 decade ago
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God damn it.

See, it sucks when someone says something awful about you, right? You wont change your religion because of what that person said, now will you? No... That's EXACTLY how gay people feel! You're being so rude and selfish. Honestly. "Why would you ever say something like that to someone?" Why would YOU ever say that someone's feelings are "unnatural and wrong"? If you don't like how that feels, dont do it to anyone else!

I understand you are religious and whatnot, I myself, have a religion. My religion doesn't approve of Gay people, but my religion also doesn't approve of being judgemental and uncaring about people's feelings: I'm sure yours doesn't approve of being judgemental, uncaring etcc. too!

Whoever wrote that comments was very rude, I'll admit. I am sorry you had to go through that. The comment was cruel but so was your quote.
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Why would you even bring something like that up on a quote? Witty is a place to write about our feelings, laugh, cry and relate! Not fight and insult other people and call them "unnatural".

To be perfectly clear, just because your religion says that being Gay is wrong doesnt mean you can trash gay people and bash them. Saying that being gay is "unnatural" and "wrong" is like saying "I hate orange juice because my parents hate it, everyone should stop drinking it". It's selfish. YOU are a human, with feelings: one of those feelings being LOVE, guess what? Gay people have that too.

Just had to say it all.
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thelastgummiebear 1 decade ago
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if people can post opinions on how much gay people should get married, then others should be able to say what they think too. Witty is actually a place to vent & post opinions, so you don't have to be "asked". We can all write whatever we want, nobody has to keep anything to themselves.
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ScarsandStories 1 decade ago
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Witty is a site for writing quotes, not sharing your opinions. who asked you? i even dislike pro-gay quotes because NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION. so everybody needs to calm their balls.
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ChikinNewdleMallerzz 1 decade ago
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Ohhhh. Myyyyy. Goshhhhhh.


That is in no way okay.

I don't even know what to say.

I am p!$$ed beyond words.
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ThatsJustLifee 1 decade ago
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ohmygosh. ....
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102 Wittians like this



posted July 19, 2012 at 12:45am UTC tagged with vent

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