Quote Quote #6402351
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Beau* 1 decade ago
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Don't do it!Even your life is full of sh/t don't give up!Think of the pain that your family will get!Please smile,see your life in a better way and don't do it!See how many people care about you in this sitee!Please :)
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ilovestars 1 decade ago
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please don't, you are my favorite person on this website. Your quotes have helped me so much. I've never tried to talk to you cause I doubted that you would even respond to me cause you probably get tons of notifications everyday. we love you don't do this.
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hiphopflopflop 1 decade ago
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Please please please don't people do care! They really really do. Please
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Pandepp 1 decade ago
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dont you DARE commit suicide.
God gave you this life to enjoy it, fufill it to the max, you are supposed to grow old, get married have children, and here you are going to throw it away? people in the hospital with cancer, who are DYING because they cant help it, would do anything to have your life. what about your parents? sisters? brothers? bestfriends? boyfriend or girlfriend? you are just going through teenage years, it gets better
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PurposefulHarm 1 decade ago
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Timra. Pleas.e Dont do this. THis is Ciara. Remember our island that we planned on facebook? You were president? Please. pleas.e itll get better. I promise! It will. IM here if you need to talk. PLeas.e im crying. pleas.e I know we didnt talk a lot, but it will get better. and it will be okay. I promise. PLeas.e Yo uare one of the most inspirational people I kknow in my life. Pleas.e DOnt give up. Have hope.

Please. respond to someone. please
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Spuddy1o1 1 decade ago
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Don't you dare. We are here for you! Just wait a little longer and it will get better. I promise. Everything will get better! See all these people, they are here for you, they love you and you need to realise that. I Promise, stay longer for me, for us, for your life. <3
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Bluee07 1 decade ago
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Please please don't
It's just a rough patch right now don't worry you'll pass it soon
Just wait a little longer and I PROMISE you that'll everything will be better
so please there's so many people that will miss you and that already love you
So just stay a little longer for us
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Amazingness9797 1 decade ago
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Don't. It gets better. I don't know you but I'm crying because you're a young girl who wants to end her life. Think of all the quotes you've made that have touched lives, god loves you. He made you special and he has a plan for you. I don't know you but I want to.
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Travis Allred* 1 decade ago
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Dear Timra Toma, i known you almost for like 4-6 months. i added you on Facebook because i want get to you know you better because you are witty famous and who were the witty famous people were. We used to talk to each other 4 A.M. every morning during the summertime. We would talk about Witty almost like everyday. i love you. we will always talk about donation to Project Rescues and how you wanna help your school to donate some money cause it was my idea to donate money to Project Rescue. Please Timra. look at the girls who are 8 years old living in the life of Trade Industries and you want to help them out. They have no hope, no nothing, they dont have lives like we do. They have been abused, sexually assault, work like a child labor, lonely, etc. they are not being name anymore. they are number and being sold as price. now please dont kill yourself because we all love you and all the people down there. But me and Bree loves you the most. you are so beautiful. your body is perfect. your eyes are perfect. your smile is the best thing in the world. you have a perfect body and everything cause God made you unique. You are very unique. God really did made you a very unique person like every person in the world. Remember when i save you. Remember when i stay up all night to help you out but i didnt care how long cause i wasnt giving up. Remember when i almost called the police on you because i didnt want you to kill yourself cause i cared about you so much. so please talk to me . you know im always here for you. i love you Timra. please respond to me cause im worrying about you so much. im praying that you would actually respond to me):
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JusttSmilee 1 decade ago
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You're honestly not alone and there are lots of people that are willing to give advice or just talk and be there for you...I can't say I know what you're going through but you'll get past it, just give it time
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katclarinet3 1 decade ago
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i know. please stop and think of your family, your friends. this is a short term problem that you are trying to solve by ruining yourself. college, getting married, falling in love, EVERYTHING. being a grandparent. YOU WANT THAT! life is an amazing gift. i believe in you and please don't do this to us. don't do it to me. i care about you.
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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Life is a gift. there was a reason you were put on this planet. Ever now, on Witty, your quotes, they're changing lives. But if you, someone so famous, someone so known and loved, end your life, then what are you showing the rest of us? What are you showing those who bring you down? You are showing them that they hurt you, and that can only mean they achieved their goal. Life has ups and downs, just like a rollercoaster. Right now, you're probably going through the dark tunnel. But there is always a light. I've learned that through the years. There always comes a day of light. And there will come a day when you will look upon this moment, and wonder, why? Why did I let myself become dark. Because your life, every life, is worth living. No matter how crappy it seems. See all these comments down below? These are all people who love you. Who care about you. And you might not know it, but you could be someone's reason for living. Think about it. In ten, fifteen years, you could be a mother. You could have a beautiful child, a lovely husband who adores you more than anything in the world. But if you die, if you end your own life now, then he doesn't have you. Your child doesn't have you. You deserve to go through college. To have your first legal sip of alcohol, to vote for the first time. You deserve to have a wedding day, and to marry someone fantastic,and you will. You deserve to have kids, and you will. You deserve to make the best out of yourself. But you won't if you die. Not if you end your life. Don't stop writing your story in the middle of the chapter. Write until your pen dries out of ink, until there are no pages left. Live. Love. And most importantly, love yourself.
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Dawn 1 decade ago
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Is it worth it? Don't give up. There's always a way. You just have to keep going. Your family, friends, they'll care. Your future is right there, waiting for you, don't close the door before you enter it.
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Kelsey* 1 decade ago
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Life may be tough now, but just try to stick through it. Idk u or your story but just promise me your life isnt worth taking!<3
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DramaForLife 1 decade ago
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I don't know you and I don't know your story but don't. there is always hope somewhere.
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BravoSierra 1 decade ago
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it'll get better, i promise.
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Gumball 1 decade ago
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NO . i dont know you but anyone who is about to take their life is welcome to talk to me & we can sort thought some problems, im so sorry you feel this way . No one should feel so bad they want to do that. Every person i worth living & who ever brought you to this point should really be thinking about wat they did.. caus its awful . you can talk to me if you want , even though i dont know you (:
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BravoSierra 1 decade ago
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and im gonna love you, like nobody loves you..
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jorddx3 1 decade ago
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What's the point of you taking your own life.
Honestly. How old are most of you? 14, 15, 16? Some older. Some younger. Most of us can't even buy cigarettes, alcohol. Some of us can't even see a PG movie. & Yet, you guys want to take your own lives? The average lifespan is 50+ years. & You're 15.... Do you realize that's less than a quarter of your life. You don't know what is going to happen in the next 35 years. You don't even know what is going to happen tomorrow for you to end your life tonight.You. Just. Don't. Let me tell you guys something, suicide won't end your pain. I promise you, it won't. It's like having a kid and you're just like I don't want you anymore & you hand it over to someone else. You aren't getting rid of that baby, you're just giving it to someone else. It's not your problem anymore, it's someone else's problem. You guys don't understand how incredibly valuable your life is. So why do you want to commit suicide? You can save a life by finding a cure to cancer or you can save a life by talking someone out of suicide. You might be the reason a million people are alive tomorrow. You just never know. You honestly don't. So before you go and pop those pills or put a gun to your head. Think of what will happen tomorrow when you're not around. Think of your best friend whose gonna be crying, asking herself what happened. Think of your future husband/wife, they just lost their true love. Life gets better. I promise. It does. You will have low spots and high spots and you will have times where you just want to do something irrational, but don't let those times bring you down. Since everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. Don't kill yourself tonight when you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow..

YOU WROTE THAT QUOTE, like you said don't kill yourself. suicide won't end your pain. & sometimes the best thing to do...is take your own advice.
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Bernicexoxo* 1 decade ago
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Don't do it, you're amazing.
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17 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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