Best Email Quotes This Year

true embarrassment lies within your first email address

           Teacher: Email me the assignment by Monday.
           Teacher: I'll need your email address.

we alll have that one embarassing username/e-mail from when we were like 10

Come on we have aldone it.
                                      When you go on a site and it asks for your parents E-mail. And you put in your own.


Hey, so if we have a mutual follow goin on, feel free to ask for my
cellular number 
                          first born 

you know, anything you want
If anybody wants to email let me know by commenting on this quote!!! I am really bored and want to email people!!! 
so it begins tomorrow

I don't plan on going cold turkey, PUN INTENDED LOL, but I'll take it day by day, cutting back more and more.

please leave a comment or talk to me on kik or by email giving me advice, tips, and yummy foods and snacks to eat!

Goal one - be totally off meat by summer

kik: diaryofaveggie
My sister whom I have never been in contact with,
Just e-mailed me back.

Maybe I'm still
single because because I didn't forward that chain email to 17
of my closest friends 5 years ago...

... that would also explain the little girl with no eyes at the end
of my bed too...

Once when I was younger and I wanted to sign up for Club Penguin, I didn't know my parent's email so I sent the activation thing to a random email and I'm still scared that the person it went to is going to find me
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