Best Rules Quotes This Month

I have always secretly wanted
to pull the fire alarm at school.


So I know no one joins these anymore but I'm making a Witty Hunger Games. If you want to join, here are the rules:

1.) No harsh wordplay
2.) There are 24 players, you need to work with your teammate
3.) Do not get angry if you are elminated, there is no favoritism
4.) You are allowed to make these interesting in your own way (allying with other districts, turning on your own, whatever you come up with)
5.) I will post challenges 1-4 times a week, if you fail to complete, you're dead.
6.) You get two days to respond to a challenge
7.) Once you're dead, you cannot compete in future games
8.) There are two victors, can be from any district(s)
9.) You must follow all instructions on a challenge
10.) If you want to ask your friends to be your sponsors, they can only send something one every three challenges
11.) Games last until only two are left.


District 1: _______ & _______                    District 7:   _______ & _______
District 2: _______ & _______                    District 8:   _______ & _______
District 3: _______ & _______                    District 9:   _______ & _______
District 4: _______ & _______                    District 10: _______ & _______
District 5: _______ & _______                    District 11: _______ & _______
District 6: _______ & _______                    District 12: _______ & _______

First come, first serve
Dear Jimmy365,

If you look at the rules, more specifically rule Q, it states:

"Quotes cannot contain signatures. Do not sign your quotes at the bottom. Your name and link to your profile will always appear next to the quote."

I'm referring to the signatures you put at the bottom of your quotes like: 

j i m m y 3 6 5  |  l o v e
j i m m y 3 6 5 | f u n n i e s

and so forth.

This isn't an argument but if you get offended

It's weird to come onto Witty now.
It's weird to see how empty it has become and it's weird to me that people are still here. It's weird because while it's out of mind and out of sight for me, it's still someone's everything. That use to be me coming on every waking moment - worrying about FramingMatthew and angry at Brandon Cyrus. Staying up all night to make sure Witty wasn't shut down for swearing and sending Steve rude comments for taking off the "vent" catergory. I made friends on here. But they haven't been on in months. And I lost their numbers. And I miss staying up until 3 in the morning on chat talking to them. Talking about nothing. Starting drama. Ending it. 
I've been a member of Witty Profiles since 2011. Three years. I'm older now, have a job, in college, living with my boyfriend. I'm busy. I have created a life for myself.
I've moved on from the cuts and bruises, the heartbreaks, the tears, the lonliness. I have learned how to be happy with who I am and I am still learning who I will be. I recognize how who I was has shaped me into who I am. It's weird to come onto Witty now because I see how much has changed. The website. The rules. The people. And me. 


If you're going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard.
Confession #64

Remember my first quote
About being too lazy to read the rules?
I still havn't read them...
School: "Express what you really are, be yourself and don't let anyone else hold you down."

School: " No make-up, no nail varnish, no hair dye, all your hair has to be natural, no trainers, no boots, no short hairstyles, no long hairstlyes, no dip-dye, no own clothes, no coloured bobbles, no coloured coats,  you MUST wear uniforms thast are really boaring and just make you feel un-comfortable and finally no nice bags alowed."

Oh and btw students we are going to give you 54875189 pieces of homework a day so you also have no social life, lol
My school now has rules that we can't wear sweatpants or hoodies. Hahahaha I think it's funny they think that'll stop me.

those who don't follow the rules are trash,
But those who abandon their friends,
are worse than trash.  

What is right? What is wrong? In this mixed up world, deciding what is right and wrong is not easy. You can't just go by somebody else's rules. If you let yourself be controlled like that, you'll just become a puppet that can't make decisions on it's own. You have to live by your rules.
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