
Joined: October 3, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 127429

Hey, i'm shannon
been blowin' out the candles for 14 years.
i love summer and everything about it (exept the bugs!)
i play alot of sports
i play basketball, soccer, softball and cheerleading.
i have a million friends but there are only a few of them are really there for me.
i have a broken familey, but i search for positive thoughts.
taylor swift is my inspiration, i have all of her cd's and without her i dont know ware i would be, her lyrics are so easy to relate to and she truly inspires me,.
i'm only 4'10 and 65 pounds but i have a big personality and i guess i'm one of those small people that eat like a cow, i still consier my self fat and ugly but who does'nt think that about them self.'
well, you can comment if you want to get to know me better, if you took the time to read this i love you thanks.*

follow me, i will always follow you back.*(: