
Joined: December 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 141375
Hey guys im Emilee, im in 9th grade, im turning 14 on September 29th, YES I HAVE A LATE BIRTHDAYY!, i love to sing, dance, play guitar, piano, and hang out with friends, when i get older i want to become either a cop, or a paramedic. I am a Postive Role Model at my school, yes i got a reward for it, and i have a sister who just turned 17. I love my family so much. My dad is 1 of 10, so we have a HUGE family, and i love it that way, our parties are insane. And i love talking to new people so HITT ME UPPP. I am just the kind of girl that can talk for days and days, so leave a comment or follow(: and we shall talk. <3 Thanks, and love you all! I AM IN LOVE WITH DAMIAN MCGINTY, CAMERON MITCHELL, RYAN BEATTY AND THE ICONIC BOYZ, and i love rap. just sayiinnnn! And i like LACROSSE, FOOTBALL, andd HOCKKEEYY(; legit laxxerr

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