Status: You're Worth It
Joined: December 5, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: November 5
user id: 247342
Location: TheGatesOfHell
Gender: F
Don't judge a book by it's cover<3

The name's Leah. 18. Senior.  Wisconsin is where I'm at. Singing isn't just my passion...it's my life. Music is my heaven. HiImMatthew is super cute and adorable so follow him. Troy_is_cool is super nice and kind love him. luke_randomdude is my twin and he is MINE. Softball<3. Swimming<3. Gymnastics<3. Cheer<3. You know my name, not my story, so think before you judge me. NoH8. You lost? Well, don't follow me cause I run into walls...(:

SceneKids: Princess.Of.Death

“I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.” ~Eminem
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Yoo it's luke (luke_randomdude) hacking my twin  ;3
she kind..sweet, loyal,smart
just absolutely amazing (:

she funny,kind,sweet,
beautiful she also very caring,
lovely :) whoeever your bf is 
they better not hurt you *evil smirks* wuve you twin 
never change your awesome already ;P

ayee wasssup? troy hacken you,, (troy_is_cool) so anyway this girl is amazinnnn, she nice  amazinn and funnny, shes been thru alotta so if you mean to her ill kick ur asss, so leah ur really cool an i love you:) --- troy;)

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