
Joined: November 18, 2012
Last Seen: 8 years
Birthday: December 11
user id: 339064
Location: CARDIFF WALES, UK!!!!!!!
Gender: F


Heyy! I'm dumb_blonde1998 and welcome to my profile!!

About me:

≈My name is Rebecca but you can call me Becca/Becky/Bec if you would rather!
≈I have loads of nicknames - I mean loads!!
≈I'm 16 years old :D
≈My birthday is on 11th December
≈I'm a 90's baby :D
≈I'm Welsh 
≈I'm extremely patriotic
≈I live in Cardiff, Wales, Uk!!
≈I can speak about 8 languages - yep you read that correctly!!
≈I want to be an arachnologist
≈I want snakebites :) 
≈I LOVE food!!!!
≈I'm known for my sarcastic/funny t-shirts and hoodies
≈I'm not a very girlie girl but I do have girlie moments!! 
≈I love my friends; Arcade1012, bethan (bettyann123) amina, shannon, lewis and loads of other people
≈My fave place is my bed unless I'm chillin' with people
≈I LOVE to shop!! I guess it's a girl thing :)
≈Some of my fave shops are; Blue Banana, New Look and David and Goliath
≈I love wearing hats, especially beanies :D 
≈I'm obsessed with writing/drawing on my hands, wrists and arms
≈I want tattoos when I'm older 
≈I love making people laugh and smile (I'm funnier in person *I think*)
≈I'm very dirty minded :P 
≈I'm very sarcastic - thanks mum!! 
≈I couldn't live without my friends or my phone, literally!
≈I get very bored very easily
≈I'm not necessarily a dumb blonde like my name suggests (I am blonde tho)
≈I've been heartbroken, but thanks to my amazing friends I'm fine now <3 
≈I love my friends so much it's amlost impossible to understand how much!!


≈I love most music eg 5 Seconds Of Summer, Eminem, Mayday Parade, Green Day, All Time Low, Nickelback, Sleeping With Sirens,The Beatles, Taylor Swift, Blink 182, Fallout Boy and more :D
≈I like One Direction but I Do NOT obsess over them 
≈I'm the girl with her headphones in all the time 

≈I love reading eg any Tess Gerritsen and Lee Child books, The Hunger Games and loads more I can't think of at the moment!

≈I like writing stories and poems :) most I post on here so check them out and tell me what you think. You may know that I have been writing a story called 'Everyone Has Secrets' and I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting it anymore :( but if you want to continue reading it I can email it to you, just comment your email address and tell me what chapter you are on :D

≈I love tv!! Especially Castle, Max and Ruby, Casualty and many more! 
≈I love films too!! Pitch Perfect, One Shot, mean girls and too many more to name xD

≈Shhhhhhhh, but I'm a black belt in Taekwondo!!!!!! Shocking isn't it!? 
≈I love to skateboard!! (Yes I do go outside!!)
≈I love gardening and getting muddy!!
≈I like to go for walks in the evenings with my mum and sister
≈I love the different colours of the sky, I just think they are beautiful
≈I prefer winter to summer - mainly because my birthday is in December, but also because I can't stand the heat although I do like wearing shorts and strappy tops 
≈I love it when it snows, it's just so pretty and alluring  
≈I believe that everyone is beautiful even if they can't see it - except me. I know I'm beautiful - omg joking!! lol 

≈I love all animals however big or small
≈My favourite aminals are tigers, crocodiles, sharks and spiders :D
≈I want a pet hedgehog and turtle :P I have a pet cactus called Maranda
≈I want to work with animals 
≈I'm not affraid to pick up bugs, and creepy crawlys!!

Other Stuf

I am always here if you ever want to vent or chat :)
If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask I don't bite (most of the time!!)
I always follow back :D
Follow me on Twitter? @beccaborg98
I want more witty friends so please talk to me :)
I have an email address just for witty so if you want someone to talk to more privately then just email me :) dumb-blonde1998@hotmail.com :)

soooooooooooooooooo thats basically my life story x)



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